7. Exceptions¶
class Exception : public std::exception¶
Base class for all exceptions thrown by the eProsima Fast DDS QoS Profiles Manager.
Subclassed by eprosima::qosprof::BadParameter, eprosima::qosprof::ElementInvalid, eprosima::qosprof::ElementNotFound, eprosima::qosprof::Error, eprosima::qosprof::Unsupported
class BadParameter : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception¶
Exception to signal that the provided parameter is not correct.
class ElementInvalid : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception¶
Exception to signal that the provided XML element is not valid according to the XSD Schema.
Query the
in order to have more information about the validation failure
class ElementNotFound : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception¶
Exception to signal that the queried XML element does not exist.