7. Exceptions

class Exception : public exception

Base class for all exceptions thrown by the eProsima Fast DDS QoS Profiles Manager.

Subclassed by eprosima::qosprof::BadParameter, eprosima::qosprof::ElementInvalid, eprosima::qosprof::ElementNotFound, eprosima::qosprof::Error, eprosima::qosprof::Unsupported

class BadParameter : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception

Exception to signal that the provided parameter is not correct.

class ElementInvalid : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception

Exception to signal that the provided XML element is not valid according to the XSD Schema.

Query the what in order to have more information about the validation failure

class ElementNotFound : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception

Exception to signal that the queried XML element does not exist.

class Error : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception

Exception to signal unexpected error in library dependencies.

class Unsupported : public eprosima::qosprof::Exception

Exception to signal that an operation is not supported.

Query the what in order to have more information about the validation failure